My Story

As a married mom of 2 young boys, I have spent the last 20 years in financial services creating beautiful financial plans for clients only to have them say "I can't afford that"....and they truly couldn't.

They had great careers & household incomes, owned businesses and from the outside looking in, they should have been able to afford the recommended insurance and investment strategies BUT they had a cash flow issue.

I help families and female business owners improve their finances, take back control of their money, reduce their financial stress without being on a restrictive budget or using complicated spreadsheets.

I can show you how to drop the shame and guilt around earning and spending money so that you can buy the $7 latte AND pay down debt AND fund your kitchen reno - your goals and lifestyle can co-exist!

On a more formal note, I have a BA in Sociology from the University of Western Ontario; am a Certified Health Specialist (CHS), an Elder Planning Counselor (EPC) and a Certified Cash Flow Specialist (CCS). I earned my insurance license in 2004 and have been helping clients ever since!

What My Clients Have To Say...

Don't take my word for it, read about how I have helped our clients get out of debt and save for the future!